Premier Cyber Security and
Compliance Services

For over a decade, Interactive Security has been a premier provider and innovator in IT Security and Compliance for organizations across the globe. Our mission is to help our clients comply with financial, government, and healthcare mandates through innovative security tools, caring customer support, and qualified expertise. Our core philosophy continues to guide our business - be an advocate for our clients, ensure their protection and be a pleasure to work with. We have lived on "both sides of the audit" and that experience has taught us that IT Security & Compliance requires an uncommon breed of expertise that's rooted in both technical skill and real-world pragmatism.

IT Security Compliance Services


RSS CISOs müssen OT-Risiken stärker adressieren | CSO Online

  • CISOs müssen OT-Risiken stärker adressieren
    Da Angriffe auf OT-Bereiche zunehmen, sollten CISOs einen Exposure-Management-Ansatz verfolgen.Summit Art Creations – Die Bedrohungen gegen die Betriebstechnik (Operational Technology, OT) der kritischen Infrastruktur (KRITIS) verschärfen sich kontinuierlich. China baut offensive Komponenten in amerikanische Militär- und Unternehmensnetzwerke ein. Zudem haben chinesische Hacker Telekommunikationsunternehmen und Internetdienstleister infiltriert, um Zivilisten auszuspionieren. Seit etlichen Jahren, also bereits […]
  • Almost 1 million business and home PCs compromised after users visited illegal streaming sites: Microsoft
    Careless online surfing by employees continues to be the bane of CISOs trying to keep malware off their IT networks. The latest example of its consequences comes from Microsoft, which reports that in early December it detected a large-scale data theft campaign that leveraged GitHub, Discord, and Dropbox to distribute malware to nearly 1 million […]
  • Backdoor in Bluetooth-Chip entdeckt
    Der Chip ESP32 kommt in zahlreichen Geräten zum Einsatz. Security-Forscher haben nun eine Sicherheitslücke gefunden.Hendrik Sejati – Der von der chinesischen Firma Espressif hergestellte ESP32 ist eine wichtige Komponente für die Wi-Fi- und Bluetooth-Konnektivität im IoT-Bereich (Internet of Things). Der Microchip kommt unter anderem in Smartphones, Computern, intelligenten Schlössern und medizinischen Geräten zum Einsatz. […]


"Interactive Security is a highly valued external security auditor and adviser to the Judge Group. Easy to work with, professional and can always be relied on to deliver results no matter the size or scope of the project. I strongly recommend Interactive Security as a go to security partner."

David A